My Peace I Give Unto You 평안을 너에게 주노라 (Worship Music)


"My Peace I Give Unto You" is a gentle and comforting song from Maranatha that shares the words of Jesus from John 14:27. This song reminds us of the deep peace that Jesus gives, a peace that is beyond anything we can understand. With its soft melody and calming harmonies, it creates a peaceful atmosphere perfect for prayer and quiet reflection. The lyrics reassure us of the unwavering peace Christ offers, even in difficult times.
This song is simple yet powerful, making it a favorite for worship services and personal devotion. "My Peace I Give Unto You" encourages us to let go of our worries and trust in Jesus's promise of peace. Its soothing music and comforting words help to calm our hearts and minds, reminding us that true peace is always available through our faith in Christ.

