My Magical Nexus in MSM So Far (Wave 3)

Well lookit that…two waves in a single week!
I didn’t specify how long it’ll take for me to get these waves out, but maybe it has to do with me speeding up these transpositions with ads to reduce their timers to a single day…whoops.😅
I didn’t want y’all to wait for WEEKS to get this out in its fullest. (Up to SEVEN weeks, or longer if I were to do this weekly, including not speeding up the times for the doubles, up to the quads, and including some delays if my upcoming appointments, and Workshop wave 4 coincidences with this…)
That aside, we now got BASS in the island now, and some distinguishable melody as well!
And to boot: we’re at our last doubles, and now proceeding to the waves of triples!
With those out of the way…enjoy the video, and happy monstering!
Even though this isn’t my usual GarageBand covers, it’s still best to use headphones for the best experience!
Monsters this wave:
- ⭐️Gob
Portions of this material is owned by BigBlueBubble, and are not made by me, as all rights are reserved by them, and are not endorsed by me in its ownership.
