My Girls Still Carrying Randoms in Ranked (But This Time on My Mini)

I will say one thing, Ranked is way easier on my mini somehow.... I think the matchmaking is designed to take cumulative trophies into account which is why we're seeing so many bot randoms get to legendary... Whereas I'm all sweaty trying to push into Mythic II. But, it's not only that... my enemies are experienced and my randoms are horrible bots who don't know how to draft and... even if they do... they only have Power 9 upgrades like... Omg it's so frustrating. But, it sounds like that's the case all the way into legendary III. It's like when I got my mini and I pushed all my favorites to 900 trophies so easily playing with randoms but pushing them on my main with skilled experienced friends is sooooooo hard. Unreasonably hard sometimes... where I'm at 850 trophies getting matched against pros. (No, really that's happened to me. I keep getting matched against STMN and I got matched against Sitetampo like. Come on, matchmaking. I'm a bot compared to them hahahaha). I needed a good teammate to push into Mythic, but here I am almost to Mythic I on my mini completely playing with randoms because while my teammates are bots, so are my enemies. Sigh. I wish it were this easy on my main.
0:00 Piper
4:51 Jessie
9:24 Pearl
#brawkstars #ranked #piper #jessie #pearl
