my first kpop concert experience and prepping video compilation

In August 2022, I attended my first Kpop concert of my ultimate group Seventeen! I am a die hard Carat and this experience has been surreal to me. As Seventeen is getting ready to announce their next world tour date I decided to compile video of me and my sister attending Be the Sun-Houston. It was such a crazy week. Our flight from Ohio got canceled two days before the concert so we had to book an immediate flight to Houston. All of the flight were getting canceled or delayed because of hurricane. But we finally made it!
warning: there are clips of me shouting and embarrassing myself but I had a greatttt time. I can't wait for their next tour.
I hope you have fun watching this. Let me know if you attended their concert and how it was :)
Thank you.
BG music : • Video
My tiktok for Seventeen where I post Seventeen content ones in a while : / wild_fern_carrot
Instagram : / wild_fern_in_her
#seventeen #carat #bethesun #bethesunhouston #seventeenconcert #kpop #scoups #concert #houston

