Last fall, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After a surgery and 9 weeks of chemotherapy, I’m happy to report that things are finally looking up.
As someone who had never had any health issues before and didn’t have a family history of this sort of thing, I was shocked and completely devastated when I got the call. The past 6 months have been the most challenging times of my entire life and pushed me well beyond my breaking point on multiple occasions. Despite the physical, mental, and emotional roller coaster Mike and I both embarked on, I’m proud to say that it forced me to find strength and resilience I never knew I had and has given me an even greater appreciation for life.
Mike was an absolute rockstar nurse and the best partner I could ever ask for throughout this entire journey. He drove me to daily appointments, changed my bandages, stayed on top of my medication schedule, and provided me with a really comfortable shoulder to cry on. I can’t imagine how I would have done this without him. We were already such a solid unit before any of this took place, but after surviving cancer together during a pandemic, our bond feels stronger than I could ever explain.
The transition back into normal life has been strange and I’m still figuring it out. The past 6 months have felt like a bad dream and I’m just trying to move forward with a positive attitude and take things day by day. The one thing I know for sure is that I will never take another day, experience, or moment for granted. To anyone still reading this, I promise that you can and will overcome whatever you’re going through. It might not be easy. It might really suck and make you question yourself a lot, but you can do it. Keep going and keep fighting. 👊
We made a video to talk about our journey in greater detail. I really hope that it can help someone out there and raise awareness about testicular cancer.
Scotty & Mike
#Cancer #Storytime #CancerJourney

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