Mutatio - MdD 2024


37th Maratona dles Dolomites - Enel
The process of creating a logo is a metamorphosis in itself. It is, in fact, a continuous succession of ideas in constant transformation to arrive, step by step, mutation by mutation, at the final result.
As always, we began with artistic research, drawing on literature and art. Literature immediately makes us dream in the texts of Kafka and Ovid; visual art, on the other hand, is a journey into the world of Henry Matisse, Heronymus Bosch, up to the most modern artists of optical art, above all Victor Vasarely.
From this research, we first of all extrapolated the colour violet, the colour of metamorphosis, transformation and the union of opposites.
Thanks to this colour, we developed the first concept we wanted to express, that of creating a lettering that is impalpable, ethereal, incomplete... mutable.
The result is an open form that has no boundaries, almost at the limit of legibility, because it is still alive and mutating. Visibly unfinished, as the mutation will continue without end.
