Must Do in Barcelona Spain, Top 10 epic things to do!

Welcome to Alcabri Travel!
Hey amigos! So you've got a few days and wish to Travel to Barcelona Spain?
Here's the Must do things while in Barcelona, 3 to 4 days will give you a good glimpse and surely a really unforgettable experience in this vibrant city. Vamos!
Alright, you've cleared customs, grabbed your bags (hopefully without any mishaps), and now you're stepping out into the warm embrace of Barcelona. Take a deep breath, feel that Mediterranean breeze, and let's get this adventure started!
Barcelona is a safe place to travel and surely one of the best places to visit in Spain, just beware of your belongings as in any other big city! and you'll have a wonderful time, stay away from non local street vendors! you'll know who's local and who's not.
Hasta la proxima, Enjoy your view and if you have any questions, please post them in the section below, I'll be Glad to answer.
@AlcabriTravel @alcabriphotography
