Muscle energy technique for pectoralis major/ MET for pectoralis major/physiotherapy for chest pain

In this informative video,we learn how to effectively perform a Muscle Energy Technique (MET) for the Pectoralis Major muscle. The Pectoralis Major, often tight and overworked due to modern lifestyles, can contribute to shoulder and upper body discomfort if not addressed.
Follow along as we demonstrate step-by-step instructions on how to release tension and mobilize this crucial muscle using gentle, controlled movements and breathing techniques.
Whether you're an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone experiencing muscular tightness, this video provides valuable insights into restoring balance and flexibility to the Pectoralis Major muscle. Don't let tightness hinder your performance or daily activities; unlock the potential for greater range of motion and comfort with this Muscle Energy Technique.
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#muscle energy technique for pectoralis major
#physiotherapy for shoulder pain
#physiotherapy for chest psin
