Mu-Generation X Special- NESTS Bosses Marathon Part 4

Last Time, Yoko managed to take out Original Zero with the help of her partner, Simon and her will, now with 2 bosses left, can the other two fighters put an end to NESTS?
Zero: Well done, you have bested me in battle.
Vinny and Athena arrived on the scene after the battle.
Vinny: There you are, Yoko.
Yoko: Oh, hi Vinny. What are you doing here?
Zero: I was wondering the exact same thing.
Vinny: Oh, I’m new here, my friend here wanted to join as well.
Yoko: Uh, sure, let’s go with that.
Zero: Welcome aboard, but I notice you have a former KOF participant with you.
Vinny: Yeah, I caught Athena trying to infiltrate the building, impersonating one of your own .
Athena: Yep, you caught me, oh woe is me…
Zero: Very well, now take her away, you two.
Vinny: Whatever you say (winks).
Yoko, Vinny and Athena walk away.
Yoko: Nice to see you two, and good job on tricking the bosses into thinking we’re all a part of them..
Athena: Thanks, now let’s just hope that Sakuya and Ragna can find and beat the other two bosses.
Meanwhile, Sakuya managed to find Igniz, sitting in his chair, waiting for someone to enter the room.
Igniz: Look what we have here, someone has come to infiltrate NESTS.
Sakuya: It’s over, surrender now!
Igniz: (laughs) and what makes you think that I, Igniz, would surrender so easily to some maid?
Sakuya: I’m not just a maid, I am Sakuya Izayoi, and I’m here to put a stop to your evil ways, Igniz.
The Dude calls in
The Dude: Looks like you found Igniz, one of the heads of NESTS, Peter has battled him before alongside Ky of the God Slayers, so you can take him, but be careful, he can lock you in the corner with his special, so you’ll have to dodge his attacks and find openings in his strategy.
Sakuya: Understood.
Igniz: So, you must be part of that Mu-Generation X group I’ve heard about.
Sakuya: How did you know?
Igniz: I overheard your conversation with your little friend, so now I’ll have to stop you.
He then calls Clone Zero on his communication device
Clone Zero: What it is, Lord Igniz?
Igniz: Mu-Generation X has invaded NESTS headquarters,
Clone Zero: I know, we have one of their members captured.
Igniz: Good, now prepare the Zero Cannon, the weapon of their demise.
Clone Zero: Yes Sir.
Sakuya: Bet I can’t beat you before the thing goes off.
Igniz: I’d like to see you try.
Me: Sakuya by Gu
Opponent: Igniz by GONZO (AI Patched)
Stage: KOF2001 Igniz (Ryo2005)
Music: Save the Universe (KOF2002UM)
