Moving to university for the first time | Vlog

It's a big jump leaving home and starting out at uni. Tierney gives her account of what it was like when she headed to student accommodation at Birmingham City University, ahead of the first week of her course at BCU.
0:20 Friday- It's all about the packing. What to take and what to leave? Still some time though to be getting nervous and excited over what lies ahead.
2:30 Saturday- Feeling a bit emotional, but it's time to hit the road.
3:40 Arriving at University Locks and meeting BCU student vlogger Shelby, getting a few tips from a student who has the experience of a year at uni under her belt.
4:57 Sunday morning and all is quiet!
5:16 A month in and Tierney reflects on settling in, everyone's nervous at first but everyone soon gets over it. Why would you not want to stay in student accommodation? As Tierney says- you can be "an adult on easy mode!"
