Mooji ♥ I Am ◦ The Way Beyond Ways ◦ Tea Satsang, 27th July 2014

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Sunday Satsang at Monte Sahaja
This is the evening session. (Tea Satsang)
To watch the first session recorded on Sunday afternoon,
go to • Video
Mooji ♥ Living Spontaneity is a Cure for Suffering on this Planet ◦ Sunday Satsang, 27th July 2014
These Satsangs are broadcast live on the web site:
Satsang is the invitation to step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not!
Recognize who you truly are!
Sacred Sangha of Earth,
Beloved Beings of Presence,
Being One, we liberate Humanity
Be present! Be joyful! Be free!
~ Blessings to You ~
