Monopoly Lifesized


Had such a fun afternoon playing #monopolylifesized yesterday afternoon with Dave Allen against 3 other teams. Hard to explain exactly what it is but I’ll try… 4 teams play a game of Monopoly in a large room with the floor and walls decorated to look like monopoly properties. You roll a dice, move around the room and if you land on a property you enter a smaller room and complete a challenge to win the chance to purchase that property. Game challenges are all different and fun. Dave and I ended up in jail which we were quite excited about. Two members of staff are our room hosts and guides around the board and we’re both great fun - Sigourney Wheeler and Donna Duck (I think). The other three teams were great sports as well which made for a really enjoyable experience. The winning team was the team with the most valuable assets after 90 minutes of play. I would definitely play again 👍🏼👍🏼

