Monarto Safari Park (SA) Apr23

Monarto Safari Park is roughly a 90 mins (depending on your driving) drive from Adelaide and truly worth a visit. They offer a range of activities, ramping up for school holidays. Inclusive in the entry fee, is the bus around the park (leave about 1.5 hours). You can get off at designated stops spending more time to view the some of animals or have lunch (highly recommend taking a packed lunch as the cafe is not cheap).
There are a lot of walking routes for the active visitors.
At additional cost, there are the amazing animal experiences, allowing you to get more involved and contribute to the funding of the conservation efforts. These range in price, so hopefully there are options for all pockets.
On this trip, I decided to meet the Lemurs. They were sooo cute, it's hard not to reach out & touch when they come up close (no touching the animals unless stated otherwise). I did ask if the Lemur fur is as soft as it looks, apparently it is!
I found the staff and volunteers friendly, incredibly knowledgeable and willing to share their enthusiasm for conservation.
#seeaustralia #seesouthaustralia #monartosafaripark #tourism #conservation #lemurs #zoo #rollingsolo #tryingsomethingnew
