Mintugsok falls is accessible in 2 ways:
INDAHAG TRAIL (1hr-1&30 mins)
Barangay Indahag can be reached by Jeepneys/ Multicab from Cogon and just tell the driver to drop you off at Indahag Basketball Court crossing. You may take the road going east and follow the trail. There are steep portions along the trail so you need to take extra caution in descending to these portions of the trail. Once at the river, you simply go southeast upstream following the river and reach Mintugsok Falls.
MAPAWA TRAIL (30-45mins)
Mapawa Nature Park can be accessed from Crossing National Highway in Barangay Cugman at Malasag Junction. You may hail a “habal-habal” motorcycles at the waiting shed at the National Highway that will lead to you Mapawa. Once you are at the park, there will be two paths to reach Mintugsok Falls, first is via river trail or via Mapawa-Mintugsok road.
