Minimalist Subliminal with Rain


This is a subliminal to help you let go of things you no longer need and become organized.
Please do not listen to relaxation, theta or delta (headphone) tracks while driving or operating heavy machinery.
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I am neat and tidy
It is easy for me to release things I no longer need
I am happy with what I have
I take good care of what I have
I have enough
I love to organize
It is easy for me to keep my space clean
It is easy for me to let go of things I no longer need
I buy less now
There are less objects in my house now
I easily declutter
It is easy for me to be a minimalist
I get rid of anything I no longer need with grace
I am a worthy person
I am an organized person
I am a focused person
My environment is always beautiful and clean
I am a minimalist
It is sparkling clean in my space now
I am highly organized
I take pride in my self, work, and spaces
I care well for things
There’s always clear space in my storage areas
I have an ideal lifestyle
I have an ideal environment
I respect my space, my things and myself
I deserve and cultivate a beautiful environment
Decluttering and cleaning is fun for me
I am a naturally organized and minimalist person
I enjoy the simpler things
My life and environment is peaceful and calm
I love the spaces I live and work in
My environment is calming
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