Mild Cognitive Impairment | Symptoms & Causes Of MCI |

MCI is a condition in which a person experiences a slight - but noticeable - decline in mental memory ...
and thinking skills as compared with others of the same age
Actually MCI is an early stage of memory or other cognitive ability loss
Signs & Symptoms
Signs of MCI include...
You forget things more often.
You miss appointments or social events.
you can't follow the plot of a book or movie.
You have trouble following a conversation.
You start to have trouble finding your way around places you know well...
You begin to have poor judgment.
Additionally u may also notice...
A short temper and aggression
A lack of interest
For more information u can follow the given chart
The chart highlight how MCI differs from the changes seen in healthy aging and dementia
Causes of MCI
Actually its combination of Many factors
MCI is more likely to occur as someone ages.
It may be caused if u have family history of Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative Disorderes
Additionally certain conditions - including diabetes, depression, and stroke - may affect a person’s risk for MCI.
