Mico Monkeying Around Split (Hot Zone)

Now, I'm not the best assassin player in the world... but now I can totally see what Bobby meant (check out his assassin ranking video: • Ranking ALL 15 Assassi... . I was super surprised when he placed Mico so low, especially since he just torments all of my favorites (Janet especially can't do anything without her super and even then she can only fly away 😭), but after trying to rank him up in Split I understood what he meant about feeling useless most of the game. I love playing brawlers who can carry in hot zone (Amber, Jessie, Bibi, etc.), especially brawlers who can team wipe and Mico... while annoying, can really only focus in on one brawler at a time and is pretty helpless if you don't manage to get that kill. And I'm sure it's mostly my skill issue hahaha I don't play him hardly at all. But, I did feel like he draws a lot of attention (everyone wanted to kill me hahaha everyone. I kept thinking, omg there are two other players on my team, guys. Chill). And because I was playing with randoms (which is always ill advised) that meant I didn't get any help and no one finished off my kills when I went down... because randoms have less than 1 brain cell usually. So, I had a lot of star player games but I'd still lose because on this map you need to be able to carry and run back and forth taking out the entire team if you want to win with randoms... and I just couldn't do that with Mico. His reload is way too slow. I kept having to wait for his ammo to reload and by that point the other team had already taken control of another zone or taken out my randumb teammates. It was a struggle hahaha I also suffered playing Edgar on this map. I don't know why people like playing him... you're useless for most of the game. But, anyway. I'm rambling. hahaha 妖怪,哪裡逃?!
#brawlstars #mico #split #hotzone
