METZ - 2024-05-11 Bottom Lounge: Chicago, IL

Bottom Lounge: Chicago, IL
May 11, 2024
Source: Soundboard + XLR + Sony PCM-M10 @ 24-bit / 44.1kHz
Taper: tapeworm(48)
01 Intro
02 No Reservation / Love Comes Crashing
03 Glass Eye
04 Blind You Industrial Park
05 Entwined (Street Light Buzz)
06 Get Off
07 Demolition Row
08 Hail Taxi
09 Light Your Way Home (w/ Gouge Away)
10 99
11 The Swimmer
12 Superior Mirage
13 Headache
14 A Boat to Drown In
15 Wet Blanket
Notes: Opening act was Gouge Away (recorded). The cable was a bit faulty at the start, which led to some dropouts on the right channel during the 1st song. I applied a couple splits in Audacity, separate the stereo track, and copy the left channel to the right, in 3 spots. Thanks so much to METZ and Bottom Lounge for being so accommodating. Raw transfer with no fades or EQ.
Archive: Master WAV was archived @ 24-bit/44.1kHz and FLAC'd with cue sheet.
Taped and transferred by tapeworm(48)
Txt file compiled on 5/16/2024
