Message: Christian Minister & Community, Part 2 (1 Corinthians 9:7-14)

A preacher of the gospel shares in both the spiritual and material benefits within the church community in which they serve. As a general statement, (in American culture) too often Pastors are viewed as superhuman people who only exist to serve the needs of the congregation. Very little thought is given to how the attitudes and actions of church members impact their spiritual, emotional and financial well-being. What is sometimes forgotten is that clergy are people… with the same needs as those in the laity. As result more and more Pastors lament suffering neglect in these areas due to the lack of Biblical reciprocation of care that they extend towards their church family.
Paul was dealing with a similar situation among the Corinth congregation. His two letters (1 & 2 Corinthians) to them reveal issues he was having in this area, to include those who did not respect his God-given authority as an Apostle within the church. In Part 2 of this sermon series, he continues to challenge their unbiblical view of Christian liberty and community care as it relates to a minister of God.
To listen in, click on the link.
Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.
Senior Pastor, Southern Hills Baptist Church
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