
One year ago today was my very first video fancall with Seoyeon of tripleS. I am sharing the video from that call in full today because I want everyone to see what a precious gem of a human being she is. I check out a lot of groups, often early on in their careers but no journey has been like the one following Seoyeon as the very first member of tripleS. Plucked from obscurity, Seoyeon dove into this idol life with zero experience and it makes me immensely proud to see her exponential growth as both a performer and person over the course of the last year and a half.
I never thought I would get to meet her in person but just less than 1 year after our video call, I was able to meet her at the tripleS LOVElution tour and it was an unforgettable, full circle moment. I’m going to cherish these memories for life.

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  • @franciskit13

    This is so wholesome. Happy for you🙌🏼
