Meet Our Team: Isaac

Meet our Founder! Isaac (he/they) founded iAmClinic in 2012 in response to a lack of quality mental health providers for LGBTQIA+ folks.He graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a Bachelors in Psychology and from Denver Seminary with a Masters in Community Counseling. Over 10 years later, Isaac has grown the iAmClinic team to 10+ therapists and launched a sister company, iAmCouncil, to provide life and relationship coaching to individuals nationwide! Take a listen to learn a bit more about Isaac.
0:00 [Laughter]
0:08 [Music]
0:14 Discussing the unique personal and safe nature of therapist-client relationships.
0:30 Exploring vulnerability and authenticity within therapy.
0:44 Impact of therapy on personal growth inside and outside the session.
1:07 [Music resumes]
1:13 Background on growing up in a conservative, religious environment.
1:57 Struggle with self-identity and the decision to seek therapy.
2:33 Establishing a clinic to support others like himself.
3:08 [Music resumes]
3:14 Mission of the "I Am Clinic" to empower clients.
3:29 Emphasis on self-love and relationship building.
4:09 [Music continues]
4:16 End of video.
