Meet a Black Hole /A Song About Astronomy by In A World Music Kids with The Nirks™


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Note: (May be scary for younger children)
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It’s time to Meet a Black Hole! (If you dare…) The Nirks introduce their newest space character the black hole. He will explain all about black holes, their parts and how they work in the universe. He’ll also introduce you to some of his other black hole friends. And stay tuned for a special bonus tag at the end wishing you all a Happy Halloween. Thanks for watching! Bye!
In the deepest, darkest reaches of space
You will find me
No matter, no light can ever escape
From my gravity
I’m darkness itself, you cannot hide
When a star supernovas, I’m what’s left behind
One star’s life ends, and my life begins
I consume everything around me by pulling it in
Let’s go Meet a Black Hole
Once I have a hold of you I never let go
Come and meet a black hole
What lies beyond me, nobody knows
Only a few main parts make up my anatomy
The point at my center where the star collapsed is called my Singularity
This point has infinite gravity and mass density
Where the laws of physics change and space-time curves infinitely
My event horizon is the point of no return
The edge where once crossed not even light can escape or burn
It’s circumference is around my singularity
The gravity’s too strong here, nothing can reach escape velocity
My Ergosphere is the space outside my event horizon
Where my gravity pulls all objects in that region into motion
Objects here can no longer stay stationary or still,
But they could still escape me if they had the will
The stellar objects, gas and debris that circle around me
Is called my accretion disk, and is the only way you can see me
Past my event horizon, my center is pure darkness
The disc disappears When there is nothing left for me to consume, I will just be blackness
My singularity’s gravity is so strong that I distort time
It’s a very weird anomaly that will totally blow your mind
From an observer far away time appears to go slower
For objects approaching my event horizon and are about to cross over
Did you know there’s a black hole at the center of the Milky Way?
It’s a supermassive black hole know as Sagittarius A*
Supermassive black holes can be found at the center of most spiral galaxies
And are hundreds of millions if not billions times more massive than any star we see
Other famous black holes M87*, Cygnus X-1 and Centauraus A
IN an elliptical galaxy Messier87 ejects superheated material away
Cygnus X-1 is a binary system blue supergiant and black hole emitting x-rays
And supermassive spiral galaxy black hole with 2 bright jet streams is Centaurus A
Black Holes can be anywhere out there in space, you know
Especially if our accretion disc is done, nothing left to show
Just a dark spot in the universe, for someone to stumble upon
Don’t get to close or I’ll pull you in and then you’ll be gone
©July 2019. By Goes to Eleven Media. All Rights Reserved.
