Meera Divecha Forespring - 9th Annual Native American TV Writers Lab - Video Testimonial


"Drumroll, please! Calling all Native storytellers with dreams bigger than the Grand Canyon!
The 9th Annual Native American TV Writers Lab is officially closing March 1st!
This isn't just any writing lab, it's a game-changer. You'll be mentored by industry veterans, develop your pilot script, and network with creative executives.
Still not convinced? Then check out this inspiring video from lab alumni Meera Divecha Forespring! This lab is the real deal. It's about shattering stereotypes, amplifying Native voices, and claiming our rightful place on the television throne.
Join the revolution!
Applications close on March 1st, so head over to and show them what you're made of!
#NativeTVWritersLab #OwnYourStory #RepresentationMatters
P.S. Share this post and tag your fellow Native writers! Let's flood the Lab with enough talent to make Hollywood sit up and take notice. We're about to rewrite the narrative, one scene at a time! 🪶
I believe in you and your stories! Now go out there and make history! ✨
P.P.S. Don't forget to check out the Lab's website for more info and application details!"

