Medjugorje Mirjana`s apparition March 02, 2014

"Dear children; I am coming to you as a mother and I desire that in me, as in a mother, you may find your abode, consolation and rest. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, pray. Pray with humble devotion, obedience and complete trust in the Heavenly Father. Trust as I have trusted when it was said to me that I will bring the blessing of the promise. May out of your hearts, from your lips, always come forth "May your will be done!" Therefore, trust and pray so that I can intercede for you before the Lord, for him to give you the Heavenly Blessing and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Then he will be able to help all those who do not know the Lord -- you, apostles of my love, will help them to call him "Father" with complete trust. Pray for your shepherds and place your trust in their blessed hands. Thank you. "
''Draga djeco! Dolazim vam kao majka i želim da u meni kao majci pronađete prebivalište, utjehu i odmor. Zato, djeco moja, apostoli ljubavi moje, molite. Molite s poniznom pobožnošću, poslušnošću i potpunim pouzdanjem u Nebeskog Oca. Pouzdajte se kao što sam se i ja pouzdala kada mi je rečeno da ću donijeti blagoslov obećanja. Neka iz vašeg srca na vaše usne uvijek dolazi:"Neka bude volja tvoja!" Zato pouzdajte se i molite da bih vas mogla zagovarati kod Gospodina da vam da nebeski blagoslov i ispuni vas Duhom Svetim. Tada ćete moći pomoći svima onima koji ne poznaju Gospodina - vi apostoli moje ljubavi pomoći ćete im da Ga s punim pouzdanjem zovu Ocem. Molite za svoje pastire i uzdajte se u njihove blagoslovljene ruke. Hvala vam!''
