Medieval Ismailis and Peoples Under their Rule | IIS AKU-ISMC Graduate Conference 2023

Welcome to the inaugural Graduate Conference, a joint venture between the Institute of Ismaili Studies and the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. Learn more about the conference here:
This panel, chaired by Dr Farhad Daftary, examines, in-depth, the relationship between medieval Ismailis and their neighbours through the works of noted scholars. Muhammad Salim outlines the relationship between politics and doctrines at the border of the Fatimid and Seljuk dynasties and their influence on the work of al-Ghazali. Kasra Shiva examines the use of Sufi symbolism in the Ismaili da’wa writings of Nizari Quhistani.
Please note that one lecture has been removed from this recording at the request of the speaker.
00:00 Introducing the panel - Dr Farhad Daftary (IIS)
00:41 Al-Ghazali’s Doctrinal Confrontation with the Ismailis - Muhammad Salim (IIS - GPISH 2024)
13:49 Methodological Approaches to the Post-Mongol Ismailism: The Case Study of Nizari Quhistani - Kasra Shiva (IIS - GPISH 2023)
28:10 Closing Remarks - Aqil Visram
28:45 Keynote Address - Professor Jonas Otterbeck
