Mealworm - Science Learning Center

Mealworms are the larval form of a darkling beetle (a common black beetle). Mealworms are not really worms-they have 6 legs as all insects do. They eat grains, vegetation and decaying matter. These larvae will go through a metamorphosis, just as butterflies do, forming a pupa, and then emerging as a beetle.
As you watch the video of this critters, try to make notes about the following:
1. How would you describe their shape and form?
2. What do you notice about how they move?
3. How do they interact with other critters?
See additional information about this critter and more at:
The Science Learning Center (SLC) provides unique learning experiences for elementary and middle school aged students in local communities, as well as the students of California State University, Long Beach through exhibits and activities that encourage questioning and hands-on investigation.
Through both on-site and outreach programs, the Center seeks to support STEM awareness and interest, to inform and support local science education and provide an avenue to showcase research in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics to new audiences.
California State University, Long Beach
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at California State University, Long Beach is a national leader in integrating undergraduate research and education. Our faculty research informs student instruction and inquiry-based labs, develops student understanding of the scientific method, and creates student excellence in science and math learning.
The College's vision is to educate the next diverse generation of scientists and mathematicians, as well as a science-literate citizenry, through inclusive teaching and research programs within the departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geological Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy, Science Education, and the program of Environmental Science and Policy.
