Max Payne 2 Evolution Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough PC HD (2024) #6


Max Payne 2 Evolution Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough PC HD (2024) #6
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(Game Description)
Payne Evolution will evolve your Max Payne 2 experience to a whole new level, one step closer to its successor Max Payne 3. With new models, weapons, animations, graphic effects, sounds, particles, and so on this mod will improve your good old Max Payne 2 to make it shine again in the next generation gaming.
- Automatic ammo collection (weapon "teleporting" on first touch is expected and unsolvable)
- Replacing a weapon now drops the old one (all ammo still disappear, but now one single mag stays)
- New weapons sound system (whole different BT specific sounds for both player and enemies)
- Implemented Last Stand also in the two levels where it wasn't working (Upper East Side and Ending Manor)
- Replaced the Chow Yun Fat skin with John Wick skin (thanks AndersenTheMuss!)
- Implemented shootdodge slowmotion canceling (just press the bullettime button again, exactly like in MP3)
- More last stand surviving speech (with proper subtitles obviously)
- Improved Fal/ColtCommando muzzleflash (closer to the MP3 one)
- Replaced Max's jump sound with hopefully better sounds (still from MP3 like the old ones)
- Ported Marty's bar radio musics (Vinnie have it playing in his parking lot where you escort him)
- Now cough sounds plays along with the cough anim (when near a big fire like in Condemned Building B)
- Improved whirl reload effects (BulletTime reload feels more like in MP3 now)
- Fixed cinematics audio shots (Max's apartment intro have MP3 sniper sound, last level intro have hammer cocking sound, etc)
- New piano play sound (enemy now plays a real recorded custom piano version of MP theme played by a fan)
- Improved shootdodge background noise (falling/slowingdown sound effect like in MP3)
- New mpk first person overlay (I still prefer the old one, but a lot of people complained so...)
- Tweaked bullets speed and BulletTime values to improve gameplay (even cooler slomotions action now)
- Countless of fixes to audio, textures, models, subtitles and so on
- Hud hidden when unneeded (now screeen is completely clear in exploration part of levels)
- Replaced original MP2 musics with appropriate MP3 musics
- Added LOD and Framerate Smoothness sliders to video options menu
Video Chapters:-
00:00 Channel Intro
00:04 Max Payne 2 Remastered Gameplay p3
11:47 Channel Outro
Game Links:-
Official Website:
#maxpayne #walkthrough #gameplay #pc #2024 #remastered #henochogaming

