Mastering ‘Goodbye’ in Korean! | Korean Percent | Ep.3


Ever wondered how to say ‘Goodbye’ in different ways in Korean?
🌟 Join us in today’s episode of 'Korean Percent'
as we dive into the different ways of speaking Korean!
From casual to formal settings,
learn how to say ‘Good bye’
with the perfect tone, expression, and sincerity
just like the native speakers!
Get ready to impress your Korean friends
and speak so naturally that people mistake you for a native Korean!
Watch now and transform your Korean, one phrase at a time! 🎉📚
Don't just learn it, live it!
Tune in for more episodes of Korean Percent!
#korean #learnkorean #koreanpercent

Пікірлер: 7

  • @GatewayToKorea
    @GatewayToKorea24 күн бұрын

    📍Extra Tip: The Korean term "욕봤어요" (yok-bwa-sseo-yo) is a polite and somewhat casual expression used to show appreciation for someone's hard work. It is often used in workplace settings or situations where someone has put in considerable effort or endured a difficult task. A direct translation might be "Thank you for your hard work" or "You’ve worked hard." The term conveys a sense of gratitude and acknowledgment of the effort the person has made.

  • @daily_gm
    @daily_gm24 күн бұрын

    i really like this new content our MC Younghan 정말 고생하셨어요 ㅎㅎ 감삼다

  • @jennimanri
    @jennimanri25 күн бұрын

    ❤✨️Lesson 3✨️🤩

  • @BrookeZntt
    @BrookeZntt25 күн бұрын


  • @korecol_adventures
    @korecol_adventures27 күн бұрын

    안녀히 가세요 😊😊

  • @mayangs_permata
    @mayangs_permata27 күн бұрын

    안녕히 가세요 ~ 👋🏻✨

  • @seoulyou2379
    @seoulyou237916 күн бұрын

    저음에는 안녕히 가세요/계세요 좀 헷갈렸어요
