Master Spoken English! Conquer the 50 Most Common Irregular Verbs (Sinhala & Pronunciation)

Master Spoken English! Conquer the 50 Master Spoken English! Conquer the 50 Most Common Irregular Verbs (Sinhala & Pronunciation) | The 50 Most Common Irregular Verbs in English | Spoken English in Sinhala | English Grammar Lesson in Sinhala Speaking Practice Lesson In Sinhala | |Learn English Proverbs | | Spoken English Sinhala Lesson | Spoken English Sinhalen | Learn English in Sinhala | Spoken English Sinhala
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Irregular verbs (or irregular past tense verbs) are common verbs in English that do not follow the simple system of adding “d” or “ed” to the end of the word to form the past tense (the past simple and/or the past participle)
List of Irregular Verbs: The English language has a large number of irregular verbs.
1. Arise - arose - arisen
2. Awake - awoke - awoken
3. Be - was/ were - been
4. Bear - bore - born(e)
5. Beat - beat - beaten
6. Become - became - become
7. Begin - began - begun
8. Bend - bent - bent
9. Bet - bet - bet
10. Bind - bound - bound
11. Bite - bit - bitten
12. Bleed - bled - bled
13. Blow - blew - blown
14. Break - broke - broken
15. Breed - bred - bred
16. Bring - brought - brought
17. Broadcast - broadcast - broadcast
18. Build - built - built
19. Burn - burnt/burned - burnt/burned
20. Burst - burst - burst
21. Buy - bought - bought
22. Catch - caught - caught
23. Choose - chose - chosen
24. Cling - clung - clung
25. Come - came - come
26. Cost - cost - cost
27. Creep - crept - crept
28. Cut - cut - cut
29. Deal - dealt - dealt
30. Dig- dug - dug
31. Do - did - done
32. Draw - drew - drawn
33. Dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
34. Drink - drank - drunk
35. Drive - drove - driven
36. Eat - ate - eaten
37. Fall - fell - fallen
38. Feed - fed - fed
39. Feel - felt - felt
40. Fight - fought - fought
41. Find - found - found
42. Fly - flew - flown
43. Forbid - forbade - forbidden
44. Forget - forgot - forgotten
45. Forgive - forgave - forgiven
46. Freeze - froze - frozen
47. Get - got - got
48. Give - gave - given
49. Go - went - gone
50. Grind - ground - ground
51. Grow - grew - grown
52. Hang - hung - hung
53. Have - had - had
54. Hear - heard - heard
55. Hide - hid - hidden
56. Hit - hit - hit
57. Hold - held - held
58. Hurt - hurt - hurt
59. Keep - kept - kept
60. Kneel - knelt - knelt
61. Know - knew - known
62. Lay - laid - laid
63. Lead - led - led
64. Lean - leant/ leaned - leant/ leaned
65. Learn - learnt/ learned - learnt/ learned
66. Leave - left - left
67. Lent - lent - lent
68. Lie (in bed) - lay - lain
69. Lie (not to tell the truth) - lied - lied
70. Light - lit/ lighted - lit/ lighted
71. Lose - lost - lost
72. Make - made - made
73. Mean - meant - meant
74. Meet - met - met
75. Overtake - overtook - overtaken
76. Pay - paid - paid
77. Put - put - put
78. Read - read - read
79. Ride - rode - ridden
80. Ring - rang - rung
81. Rise - rose - risen
82. Run - ran - run
83. Saw - sawed - sawn/ sawed
84. Say - said - said
85. See - sawed - seen
86. Sell - sold - sold
87. Send - sent - sent
88. Set - set - set
89. Sew - sewed - sewn/ sewed
90. Shake - shook - shaken
91. Shed - shed - shed
92. Shine - shone - shone
93. Shoot - shot - shot
94. Show - showed - shown
95. Shrink - shrank - shrunk
96. Shut - shut - shut
97. Sing - sang - sung
98. Sink - sank - sunk
99. Sit - sat - sat
100. Sleep - slept - slept
101. Slide - slid - slid
102. Smell - smelt - smelt
103. Sow - sowed - sown/ sowed
104. Speak - spoke - spoken
105. Spell - spelt/ spelled spelt/ spelled
106. Spend - spent - spent
107. Spill - spilt/ spilled - spilt/ spilled
108. Spit - spat - spat
109. Spread - spread - spread
110. Stand - stood - stood
111. Steal - stole - stolen
112. Stick - stuck - stuck
113. Sting - stung - stung
114. Stink - stank - stunk
115. Strike - struck - struck
116. Swear - swore - sworn
117. Sweep - swept - swept
118. Swell - swelled - swollen/ swelled
119. Swim - swam - swum
120. Swing - swung - swung
121. Take - took - taken
122. Teach - taught - taught
123. Tear - tore - torn
124. Tell - told - told
125. Think - thought - thought
126. Throw - threw - thrown
127. Understand - understood - understood
128. Wake - woke - woken
129. Wear - wore - worn
130. Weep - wept - wept
131. Win - won - won
132. Wind - wound - wound
133. Write - wrote - written
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