Maryam, the Master Planner (Asma + Me; Al Muhsee)

Welcome to “Asma+Me Moments,” the podcast where we embark on a journey to develop a positive, healthy, and resilient mindset through captivating stories that connect us to Allah and His importance in our lives.
As Muslim Parents, we are always on the look out for tools which help us to connect with Allah in our day to day lives. Join us each week, as we do just this through fun stories, which teach a valuable lesson whilst reminding our children of Allah (SWT) through His beautiful names. Each episode focuses on a specific positive characteristic or quality, from sharing to setting intentions, we’ve got you covered and teaches our kids that everything we do can remind us of Allah (SWT).
On today’s episode, Maryam will be exploring the importance of setting intentions through making plans to do good things and how Allah (SWT), Al Muhsee, counts and records everything we do even our intentions. Join us to find out what happens when things don’t always go to plan.
This visual format aims to cater for children with different listening and learning styles as we continuously aim to support as many children as possible through our products and services.
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