Markertown Design Challenge

Markertown Motley Marker Design Challenge
Download the activity files!
Markertown planning guide (K-2)
Markertown Framed Marker:
Marketown Storyguide:
I’m Amanda Fox and I am the author of “Markertown” a story about being kind, helping others, being inclusive of everyone, and celebrating differences.
In Markertown, it’s 3:00 and all the markers are celebrating a successful day of drawing and are getting ready to head home to their boxes and bins in Markertown. Well…almost everyone….
A small little glitter marker finds herself without something very important. Her top! While frantically searching for it, he markers at Castaway Cove come to her rescue, specifically Ms.Orange-on-Blue, who you guessed it, has an orange top on a blue body!
The characters we meet in the motley marker crew are all mismatched, and colorful but full of life and kindness. Did you know motley means mixed and diversified!
Now to the fun part!
In honor of the book’s upcoming release, I am launching a Motley Marker Design challenge, where you could get your Marker featured in the book.
I am asking you to create your own motley marker, one mixed of a different color top and bottom. First, you need to decide what kind of marker will your marker will be….
In the book there are scented marker, glitter, markers, dry erase markers, permanent markers, highlighters, flair pens….you can choose one of these, another one not listed, or completely create a new kind altogether!
Use our planning guide to help you through the design process. You can even share a creative story story of how they became part of the motley crew! Was there top lost? left behind? Or is there another reason they became mismatched?
I look forward to all of your designs and stories!!!!
