Mario Murillo: Ransomed from Darkness to Live in the Light of Christ (Acts

Mario Murillo: Ransomed from Darkness to Live in the Light of Christ (Acts 26:18)
Mario speaks at the Living Proof Los Angeles crusade on September 10, 2023.
Quotes: “C.S. Lewis was asked, “How can you believe in Jesus when you cannot see him? He said, “Sir, I don’t believe in Christ because I can see him, but because by him I can see everything else.” If we will surrender to Christ, make him Lord of the state of California, we will see mercy. We will see mercy, we will see safety, it will clean up our streets and bring us enlightenment. You can come to Christ, and you will have your amnesia lifted, the scales will fall off your eyes. You will be born again as a new person, alive in Christ.
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Our goal isn't to get you to shake my hand.
My goal is to get the devil off of your back.
Now, I'm going to go over here.
My goal is for you to not just experience a change
of belief, but a change of condition.
Once I was lost, now I'm found.
There was a day in London where
becoming a Christian subjected you to ridicule
among intellectuals, that was prevalent,
especially in some of the universities
in London until two men came along, and you'll know them.
One was J.R.R. Tolkien who wrote the Lord of the Rings
and the other was C.S. Lewis.
And one day, when did the poet laureate
of England is now a Christian
it was very difficult for the atheist to attack the faith.
It's my goal to make it impossible.
But what I want you to imagine is
that the London Times in a ridicule looked
at C.S. Lewis and said, how can you believe in Jesus?
You can't even see him.
And he looked at him and he said, sir
I do not believe in Christ because I can see him
but because by him I can see everything else.
You have something that young man that lost his
bride does not have.
You have something that that young man never could have.
He can regain his memory.
He could suffer the proper mourning.
He can maybe have emotional closure
but he will never have the love of his life back.
The difference with you is, is that you can come to Christ
have your amnesia lifted, the scales fall off your eye
and then begin to realize, now I know why I love beauty.
Now I know why I love sunset.
I have been washed in the blood of Christ.
I'm born again.
I'm a new person.
I'm alive.
How does God cure your loneliness?
You know, scientists did a very peculiar study
in which they found out
that people who aren't lonely all have a similar brain.
Their brain patterns are very similar.
Then they went to study people who, in a poll
admitted they were lonely, and they found out
that each and every lonely person had a brain
pattern that was completely different than other people.
And so scientists said, the reason that people feel lonely
even when they have friends and people feel lonely
even when they're in a group
is that they believe that no one understands them.
Now, I want to tell you that in the opening line of a novel
this is what Leo Tolstoy said.
He said, all happy families are alike but sad families
are always sad in a different way.
And that's you.
The sadness that has gripped your life.
And I'm going to tell you, I'm going to harp on it.
There are churches all over the Inland Empire
but it doesn't matter because you're sad.
You could spout all the verses of the Bible.
And believe me, the devil will beat you
in a Bible quiz every time.
But it's your condition, it's your hurt.
It's the indefinable heaviness that's on your heart
and your mind that you must get rid of.
Now, I want to read another verse and then I got to tell you,
it says, professing themselves to be wise they became fools.
The address is Romans 1:22.
And change the glory of God
the incorruptible God into an image
made like corruptible man.
Birds, four footed creatures, creeping things.
Therefore, God gave them up to uncleanness,
to the lust of their hearts,
to dishonor their bodies among themselves
who so exchange the truth of God for the lie.
It didn't say, “a lie,” it said “the lie.”
In a moment, you'll see why that's important
and worshiped and served the creation
rather than the creator.
That's why your dream catcher is never going to catch anything.
Which is blessed forever. Amen.
Remember how wokeness was supposed to make us enlightened
that overnight by suppressing truth,
censoring opposing views, we would be equal.
Instead, our cities are crumbling masses
of total destruction.
My hometown Union Square in San Francisco is a ghost town.
It's been destroyed by what Romans chapter one said
taking God out, leaving Christ out,
building a society that says, we don't need God.
We don't have to have God.

Пікірлер: 5

  • @user-pj6yp9zx5j
    @user-pj6yp9zx5j8 ай бұрын

    Oh my God, we need to really study the Word of God day and night and learn spiritual warfare. The wold is getting so dangerous. Thank God, for our man of God, Mario Murillo, who does not compromise.

  • @MMLT229
    @MMLT2298 ай бұрын

    Love and Compassion and Mercy freely for United States of America from The Almighty Father 🙏🏾

  • @elizabethquinn5068
    @elizabethquinn50688 ай бұрын

    Praise God!!! ❤🙏🏻❤

  • @pattyjuel2739
    @pattyjuel27398 ай бұрын


  • @Hillr2249
    @Hillr22498 ай бұрын
