Mario Murillo: Everything Changes When You Find Your Name in the Book (1 Kings 13:2)

Mario Murillo: Everything Changes When You Find Your Name in the Book (1 Kings 13:2)
Mario speaks on January 19, 2020, Shekinah Worship Center, in Lancaster, CA. Quotes: What do you do when you open a book that's 300 years old? You don't know what you were born to do, you don't know who you are. You've been told by everybody, "Life is too hard. You're never going to be able to change the way society is." And you open a book, and there's your name, and it says, "Get up, get dressed, because it's time for you to change the world."
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One day, at the age of 8, Josiah, who had no training, didn't know God, suddenly is king. By the age of 24, he is overseeing the fastest moral decline the Jews would ever know. There are idols everywhere, more people visiting mediums than are going to the temple. The immorality is indescribable. There was no justice. Every brick of infrastructure in Jewish sanity and morality for all intents and purposes is gone.
So one day, at the age of 24, Josiah, who has no future, not manly, lets out a yell that had never been heard in the palace, in anyone's memory. He is yelling so loud, and tearing his robe open. He went from a kitty cat to a lion. Do you know what the Bible says about Josiah? It says, "No man turned to God the way Josiah did. Neither was there ever any like him afterwards."
He was unstoppable. He was completely a flame of fire. He proceeded to launch the fastest reformation. It was fast, it was deep, and it reestablished righteousness in Israel. He got rid of all the witchcraft, tore down all the idols. Whereas his previous reformers left the high places, which were kind of remote worshiping stations for idols, he wiped those out. He wiped out all the witchcraft. He made it mandatory to serve God in Israel.
Now, how do you explain this change?
First of all, we've just killed one lie. Don't you dare look at millennials as lazy or fearful. They are in a holding pattern, waiting for the Spirit of God to fall on them. This man cleaned up everything. I had to know what in the world changed this man? We have got to understand that the least suspected, the most seemingly purposeless individual you know - you can look at a young person today and think, "They don't even know what they're going to do! They don't know why they're going to do it! They don't have any plan; they don't have any hope." What they are is a canvas with nothing painted on it yet.
I looked, and I read, and I said, "What in the world changed that young man?" What did that? It was hidden in 2 Kings 23. "He began to exhume the graves of false prophets, witchcraft, and those who had involved in evil, and burned their bones on an altar to erase from the memory of Israel the source of their dark ages." He was going to one grave after another when he came to one and he said, "Whose grave is that?" The servant said, "That is the prophet who 300 years ago, prophesied that you would do this."
Whew. How may you love the Bible? He said, "Leave his grave alone." Let's go back 300 years. You'll find Josiah's destiny was featured in 1 Kings 13. Just stop and listen. Solomon died and left a power vacuum. His son was named Rehoboam, and he was a fool. He said this, "I'm going to raise taxes and lower services." That's how the 10 tribes were lost, was over taxes. So Rehoboam said, "I'm going to do this to you." They said, "No you're not, because as a matter of fact, we're leaving." The only tribes left were Benjamin and Judah.
Rehoboam had created a power vacuum, a nation vulnerable, hedges torn down. There was an articulate, manipulative individual whose name was Jeroboam, who was waiting in the wings in Egypt to come back home and play his game on the Jewish people. So then, a prophet steps out of the bushes and confronts Jeroboam right there. The dawn of witchcraft, the dawn of idle worship, the dawn of three centuries of perversion. It was not just the King, but a man of God stepped out of there in that moment, and he began looking at him, and he said these words, "It's not always going to be like this." No sir. He looked at the King, and he said these words. "If I am a prophet of God, then let a sign occur."
That rock table was probably six inches thick, and inside were the ashes from previous sacrifices that were burned there. And he said, "If I am a man of God. Let this stone rock split in half and all the ashes pour forth." The King says... only a politician would be this stupid... when somebody points at a six-inch-thick rock and it splits in half, do not try to arrest them.

Пікірлер: 6

  • @unionofappeals
    @unionofappeals Жыл бұрын

    This generation shall reform America by the name of the Lord. Watch this shall happen even in the annointing of Josiah.

  • @ethiopiatinur4432
    @ethiopiatinur4432 Жыл бұрын

    That was powerful! This is a confirmation for me today!!! I will get up and cleanse my nation and the church by Josiah anointing…. In Jesus name!! No more witchcraft and idol worship in Ethiopia, in Jesus name! Redeem your people and the land , Jesus

  • @pegheacock6611
    @pegheacock6611 Жыл бұрын

    Praise God! Let these words go forth and cut through all the misery, lies, deception, and evil collusion of our world. Jesus make me, and our young ppl see truth, and cause them to be unstoppable, courageous, and dedicated to be your arms, feet, eyes, and mouth, glorifying YOU🙏🥰💕💕💕💕

  • @agnusa719
    @agnusa719 Жыл бұрын

    Looking for the Josiah in our young generation. Magnificent point. Thank you.

  • @j27340
    @j27340 Жыл бұрын


  • @VSastrocompasss
    @VSastrocompasss Жыл бұрын

    Like my State :/ 🙈😅😛
