Marble 1v1s S3: Episode 1


This is the first episode of Season 3 of Marble 1v1s. 16 marbles face each other in 15 episodes of marble duels to see who the champion marble racer is.
Alien, Autumn, Blood, Bumblebee, Crystal, Earth, Fiesta, Galaxy, Grassland, Jungle, Pine Tree, Pollock, Sahara, Sky, Tiger, and Turtle are the marbles in Season 3.
T1 Crystal 1-0
T1 Autumn 1-0
T1 Earth 1-0
T1 Tiger 1-0
T1 Grassland 1-0
T1 Turtle 1-0
T1 Pine Tree 1-0
T1 Galaxy 1-0
T9 Alien 0-1
T9 Blood 0-1
T9 Bumblebee 0-1
T9 Sky 0-1
T9 Pollock 0-1
T9 Sahara 0-1
T9 Jungle 0-1
T9 Fiesta 0-1
Instagram: pBwLfQPoFs...

