Maple Minute: Bulk Syrup Sales

According to the 2019 USDA NASS maple syrup report approximately 90% of Vermont's total annual maple syrup production (about 1.8 million gallons) was sold into the bulk market. The remainder of the crop was sold either to retail or wholesale customers. This represents a significant change over less than 20 years. In 2002 the Vermont crop was estimated to be less than 500,000 gallons of syrup. Approximately 60% of that crop was marketed as Bulk. The increase in bulk syrup sales can be tied in large part to the recent expansion of maple production and the types of operations fueling that expansion. The majority of additional production came from increased taps in existing and new operations with tap counts of 10,000 or more. Over the same time period of 2002-2019 there was a nearly 10% increase in the number of these operations. The business of making maple draws entrepreneurs of all kinds. Some produce syrup as a hobby to share with friends and family, others will count on their annual production for an important part of their annual income and for others, maple represents their entire annual income. Whatever the scale of operation, the quality of syrup sold directly to consumer must meet the high standards set forth by the Vermont maple law.
