Maple Minute: 2020 Season Start

Reports of above average syrup production have been common across Vermont in 2020. Sugar makers report excellent quality syrup being produced throughout the season. In general, March was slightly above average for temperature and April was below average. Large or relatively small impacts on total yield depended on operations location, aspect, tapping schedule and collection process. At the University of Vermont, Proctor Maple Research Center, sap sweetness over the past 15 years has been just over 2%. The sap collected in 2020 was approximately 12% below average. This is coming on the heels of 2019 where sap sweetness was about 5% above average. Sap sweetness is not the only thing that determine total production. In fact, most producers who reported below average sap sweetness still reported good syrup production. A significant run was reported across the state at the end of March. In general, March was a key month for production as the cool weather of April 2020 did not have as many quality days of sap flow. Isolated reports of below average production have been received but are limited to producers in lower elevations and warmer areas, those whose tapping was delayed or due to equipment issues. The official crop report which is the product of sugar maker surveys, will be released by the USDA sometime in the first half of June.
