Maple Minute: 2020 Crop Update 2

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US in total taps with 6.15 million statewide. New York had the next highest number of taps with 2.8 million. Combined with Maine's 1.97 million taps, VT and NY collectively represent 80% of all the taps in the US. Vermont producers sell the vast majority of their crop into the bulk market. In 2019 87% of all syrup produced was sold in a barrel to another business that in turn sells to either wholesale or direct to consumer. For comparisons sake, Maine tops the US in selling bulk syrup with 94% of the crop and New York at 68%. The bulk price paid to the sugar maker is lower than if they sold it directly to the consumer but that higher price comes with many costs associated with marketing that many producers prefer to avoid. Some producers choose a mix of marketing strategies and sell a portion of their crop direct to consumer and the rest to a syrup packer. Sugar makers have successfully managed selling syrup online either through large online retailers or through their own website. For more information about how to establish an online marketing presence contact the UVM Extension Maple program.
