ManagementGPT: Prototypes of AI Co-Thinkers

Generative AI is on the boardroom agenda in most organisations. However, only a minority of executives incorporate it into their daily work. Leaders can’t afford to overlook GenAI’s potential to transform their roles.
Capgemini Invent has partnered with leading academics from the Thinkers50 Community to investigate how GenAI could benefit management. The team developed and tested three AI Co-Thinker prototypes aimed at meeting key management challenges in strategy, business model innovation, and organisational culture.
This session will provide insights into ManagementGPT, featuring a showcase of the three AI Co-Thinker prototypes and the lessons learned for further experimentation.
Hear from:
• Corey Crossan, Research and teaching fellow at The Oxford Character Project
• Leon Prieto, Professor of Management at the College of Business at Clayton State University
• Gabriele Rosani, Director Content & Research of Capgemini Invent’s Management Lab
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