Mako Shion One-Piece Red Swimsuit Body Swaying Exercise Legendary Crystal Temple Prison Scene

Mako Shion (志恩まこ) wearing her red bathing suit as she's one of the girls in the summers, the beaches, the pools and the games but her clothes, shirts and shorts, jumpsuits, jeans, pants, jackets, belts, shoes, skirts, coats, ponchos, dresses, gowns, vests, uniforms, sashes, beach skirts, beach towels, beach hats, beach jackets, scarfs, stockings, pajamas, towels, robes, cloaks, wetsuits, overcoats, tracksuits, diving suits, ski suits and bikinis is all taking away and destroyed by the boys and the amateurs from the neighborhood as she's swaying herself up in the prison of the legendary crystal temple because of the criminal mastermind and his army of evil are going to use the crystals to control the people by world domination after she's found the crystals in the temple when she's hiding herself in the crate of the cargo plane before the plane take off for the adventure as red giant Ultraman Dyna Strong Type are coming to the temple to shrinking himself to save her in the temple's prison from the evil plans and the criminal mastermind order his army to attack him but Dyna defeat the army of evil and the criminal mastermind in the temple with his own hands by release her from the prison and sending her back to the home alongside with the crystal by sending the criminal mastermind and his army of evil to the prison for the punishment because it's crystals remained in the temple for Dyna's order as she's going to her bedroom for the night for the competition game tomorrow as she's didn't need her clothes anymore for her choice to win the golden medals, diamond tiara and the priceless trophy after the competition game finished to become new queen of the female players, contestants, champions and competitors in the one-piece swimsuits of the World's Famous Games and she's working with the model company.
