MacHAND Performance Assessment Short Form (MPA-S) Instructions and Scoring Manual

The MacHAND performance assessment Short Form (MPA-S) is a standardized hand function measure specifically aiming to evaluate patient’s ability to conduct daily function tasks with their hand.
This evaluation is aimed to be used with individuals 16 years old and older who present with any type of hand injury, condition, or impairment.
The MPA-S was created by Zoë Edger-Lacoursière MSc OT (erg.), PhD(c), Dr. Bernadette Nedelec BSc OT, PhD, and the burn rehabilitation clinical team at Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital in Montreal from the original full MPA. This instructional video aims to help clinicians build, administer, and interpret the MPA-S.
The instructions and scoring manuals are available on the following webpages in both English and French Canadian:
The files for the 3D printable items are available here:
If you have any questions on how to use these measures, please feel free to contact Zoë Edger-Lacoursière at or Dr. Bernadette Nedelec at
