M1. Systems and Signals. Question 1 | | UPV

Título: M1. Systems and Signals. Question 1
Descripción automática: In this video, the speaker discusses the first module of a course on Dynamics and Control. The module has introduced key concepts and examples related to systems and signals, including their interactions. The lecturer aims to check students' understanding via questions focusing on whether a system is static or dynamic, identifying the variables within a system, and the concept of feedback, which is highlighted as a crucial concept.
The specific example presented is an electric circuit involving voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R), illustrating Ohm's law. The speaker interprets this circuit as a system, pointing out that voltage is the input and invites the audience to consider whether it classifies as a dynamic or static system. The questions posed challenge the viewers to think about the dependencies between voltage and current within this system. The goal is for the students to reflect on these relationships and prepare for a subsequent discussion on the answers.
Autor/a: Albertos Pérez Pedro
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