目覚めよ、私!眠気に負けるな! / EDM / 目が覚める曲♪ やる気UP♪ 仕事・運転・勉強・集中用BGM / EDM that wakes you up when you listen to it


I tried to create EDM that will wake you up. We have created songs that are scientifically easy to wake up to (see the paper). Recommended for people who become sleepy while working, driving, or studying. If you like it, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating.
Features of the song
March, the rhythm of dance music stimulates physical movement. Also, by using music with staccato (crispness) and accents, it promotes a "stimulating effect'' and energizes the listener.
参考論文 / Reference paper
松浦美晴. 音楽の覚醒作用と鎮静作用 (大学創立 10 周年記念号). 山陽論叢, 2003, 10: 117-127.
Arousing Effects and Sedative Effects of Music. Miharu Matsuura
#EDM #眠気覚まし #目が覚める曲 #techno #作業用bgm #workmusic #studymusic #concentration #リラックス #やる気が出る #chill  #wakeupmusic #受験 #テスト勉強 #しゃっきんミュージック

