美洲杯:普利希奇一传一射 美国战胜玻利维亚 | Pulisic scores and assists as the United States defeat Bolivia

在美洲杯小组赛中,东道主美国队迎战传统劲旅玻利维亚!这支美国队备受瞩目,球员阵容包括小维阿、普利西奇、穆萨、麦肯尼、隆德等,都是亚平宁联赛的熟手!其他球员来自英超、美职联和荷甲,整体实力雄厚。其中,巴洛贡渴望在比赛中大放异彩,绝不会错失这次展现自己的机会!| In the Copa America group stage, the host United States faced traditional powerhouse Bolivia! This US team has attracted much attention, with players such as Pulisic, Musah, McKenzie, and Long, all seasoned in the CONMEBOL league! Other players come from the English Premier League, MLS, and Eredivisie, showing overall strength. Among them, Barlogon eagerly awaits to shine in the matches and will not miss this opportunity to showcase himself!

