美洲杯:美洲杯揭幕 阿根廷两球完胜对手 | Copa América: Argentina wins by two goals as Copa América opens

2024美洲杯在美国亚特兰大拉开帷幕。揭幕战中,卫冕冠军阿根廷队以2:0有惊无险地击败加拿大队。本场比赛是梅西的第35场美洲杯比赛,创下美洲杯出场次数最多的纪录。但在比赛中梅西错失多个进球良机,没能取得进球。加拿大队开场就与阿根廷队展开对攻,让阿根廷队赢得并不轻松。| The 2024 Copa América kicked off in Atlanta, the United States. In the opening match, the defending champion Argentina defeated Canada 2:0. This game was Messi's 35th Copa América game, setting a record for the most appearances in the Copa América. However, Messi missed many scoring opportunities and failed to score. Canada started the game against Argentina, making it difficult for Argentina to win.
#美洲杯 #阿根廷 #梅西

