Lucy Grace - Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening, Deep Heart Awakening, No Teacher - BatGap Interview

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Also see
00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:05:28 - Childhood Darkness and Inner Light
00:10:39 - Childhood Connection with God
00:15:32 - Feeling a Presence and Being Guided in Life
00:20:35 - The Big Awakening of 2018
00:25:21 - A Shift in Perspective and Seeing Spirits
00:31:00 - Conversations with Spiritual Beings and Divine Guidance
00:35:49 - Making Tough Career Choices
00:40:26 - Trauma and Healing
00:45:13 - Hiding and Facing the Truth
00:49:33 - Lost Vibrancy and Exclusion from Life
00:54:12 - The Struggle of Illness and Support from Loved Ones
00:59:12 - The Feeling That Hasn't Landed
01:04:02 - The Violent Labor and Postpartum Depression
01:09:09 - The Birth Experience and Motherhood Challenges
01:13:02 - The Struggles of Motherhood: A Personal Story
01:17:42 - A Moment of Surrender to Motherhood
01:22:26 - The Language of Life Speaking to Us
01:27:11 - The Meaning of Lucy's Name
01:32:16 - Understanding Unbounded Awareness and the Personality
01:37:02 - Unraveling and Healing Deep Wounds
01:42:21 - Surrender and Breaking Open
01:47:02 - Discovering the Language of Experience
01:52:13 - A Profound Experience of Love and Compassion
01:57:48 - Deep Healings and Shifts in Consciousness
02:02:41 - The Stern Voice and Leaving a Relationship for Spiritual Growth
02:07:21 - Moving Energy through the Body
02:13:13 - Taking the Courage to Be True to Myself
02:18:31 - Living a Blessed Life
02:24:00 - Embracing Human Nature
Lucy was raised in a low socioeconomic household and neighborhood, by a young single mother in New Zealand in the early 1980s.
The lack of resources available in childhood resulted in a shrinking of her outer world to what she thought of - years later - as a kind of welfare-child ashram. Within the home, and outside of it, there were few distractions or ability to go anywhere else, and significant trauma - all forcing her to go within to what she thought of as “the deep stillness and light inside” to rest, find nourishment, solace, and strength.
At 19 she experienced her first shift, seeing through the personality, and subtle perceptions revealing themselves.
She never thought much of it, there had already been so much light inside, and she was so thrilled to be in the world finally so she simply went on with living.
After a brief stint in television journalism, Lucy spent 15 years in Europe and New Zealand working for international humanitarian aid agencies.
On return to NZ at age 31, she suddenly became extremely ill. For six months, she was mostly bedridden. Doctors, both natural and traditional, could not find the source of the illness.
Over the next few years, she had to work to earn an income but there was no strength for much else. The pain in her body was ever-present, and the fear of not knowing if this was her life forever now, was sometimes crippling.
She was forced to exist in a kind of in-between world again - of much aloneness and silence, aside from work.
After a few years of significant illness, she recovered strength enough to live a semi-normal life. But any time she tried to do too much, she was knocked back into illness.
By 35 she was in a leadership role at a non-profit, married, with a baby on the way, just surviving day-to-day with the pressure on her physical body.
On becoming a mother, she was plunged into a level of blackness that was completely shocking and previously unknown.
For more than two years she descended into complete separation and couldn’t hear the guidance that had always accompanied her in her life. For the first time ever she couldn’t feel God.
In 2018, after more than two years of immense struggle, an unexplainable and absolute surrender took place within, in a moment, as her two-year-old cried and reached for her.
Within two months she had left the career she loved to rest in what she thought of as silence. For around a year and a half, she couldn't do much else.
Lucy had never been exposed to spirituality, nor did she know anything about its concepts or traditions. She thought meditation was for “those hippy people.”
Because there had been no conscious spiritual search, she had no context for what was happening. Often it was so beautiful and joyful - she didn’t need to know. There was an innate sense of trust and recognition that went beyond what needed to be seen or understood with the mind.
When the need to understand did arise - some online searches helped a little, but often it all felt overwhelming, and she preferred sitting in silence to hear from within. Guidance and teaching were always present and given through hearing and images. Despite this, when particularly strange things would occur the need for the mind to understand would return.
