The Philippines offers this LOVE letter to the world on #WorldOceansDay.
The Philippines lies along the western edge of the world's largest ocean, the Pacific Ocean. As an archipelago, our country has been profoundly shaped by the ocean, influencing our livelihood, tourism, and culture.
We take pride in our beautiful and award-winning shores, many of which feature unique rock formations sculpted by the powerful waves of the Pacific. Our marine life is incredibly rich, earning us the title of the world's center for marine biodiversity.
The ocean holds great significance for the Filipino people, and with our 7,641 islands, we are committed to developing sustainable efforts to protect and preserve this valuable heritage for future generations. Join us this World Oceans Day in celebrating the incredible gift of the ocean.
#LoveThePhilippines #DOTPhilippines #OceanClimateAction #WorldOceansDay

