Logosol Open house 2024!! The grand opening of the new factory!!

This is from the 25/5
Logosol had a grand opening of there new factory!! and they invited in to a Open house for customers to come and visit the factory.
I took my wife and we packed our car and headed for the 6,5h drive up to Härnösand! well there we got to see, touch and even try some products. and offcourse meet all the staff members!!
its nice to get a face on the people you talk with within the service and the marketing guys to chat with! I even had the luck to run in to Tobias from ‪@Projectoftheday‬ he was a great help getting my saw built right 🫡
we had a great day, evening and night in Härnösand in the awesome company of the Crew 🙏
all the music and sounds are in courtesy of epedemicsound and here are the list of artists and there titles!
Janset - Lava power (Ooyy remix) (instrumental verision)
Daniel Fridell - Same,Same but diffrent
