Local SF politicians say LGBT community treated (April 2017)

Local politicians refuse to stay silent over treatment of gay men in Chechnya
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - LGBT politicians and activists in San Francisco held a vigil and protest Tuesday night in front of the Russian Consulate to call for an end to what they describe as the inhumane way gay men in the Russian Republic of Chechnya are treated.
They chanted, "Homophobia's got to go", a passionate plea for the world to listen.
They say it's a message from San Francisco to Moscow and Chechnya
"Chechnya is part of Russia. Russia has been a terrible place for LGBT folks for a while now," says Jeff Sheehy, a San Francisco supervisor. 
He sponsored a resolution that was passed unanimously by the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, condemning Chechnya's mistreatment of gay men.
Amnesty International says more than 100 men suspected of being gay have been abducted, tortured and some even killed in Chechnya. 
"Five- member panel of the United Nations having confirmed that this has all happened. So yes...we have to speak up and raise our voices to demand that this stop immediately," says Mark Leno, former California State Senator and Assemblyman.
David Bogachik wrote on the sign he's carrying,"Russian government is responsible for what is going on in Chechnya."
