Lloyds of London, 1980's - Film 33752

Lloyds of London, Insurance brokers. From coast we look down on a modern shipwreck. Lloyds of London. Man rings Lutine Bell to signal a major shipping disaster. Men in red uniforms are called waiters. Underwriters. Broker and underwriter discuss a claim. Man is handed a cheque over a table. It is for £1,800,000. Leading underwriter values insurance. Others do the same. One rejects a broker’s proposal. The governing committee and chairman. Policy signing office in Chatham where details are typed in. Queen Mother opening Chatham offices in 1979. A female candidate applying to join Lloyd’s. Sub-committee interviews woman. Voting with marbles in a box. Information on losses pinned on a board as underwriters check to find out about their liabilities. Computer room. Printing press and printing London’s oldest daily paper - Lloyd’s List. Printer holds up a completed broadsheet newspaper. Girl sitting at a rotating filing system. The Captain’s Room with members eating lunch as chef prepares food for flambéing (flambéing) in the room by pouring brandy from bottle into frying pan of meat. Firefighters fighting a fire at an oil refinery at night.
