Living Bread & Water | Pr. Santhosh David | Sunday Live Message | 30/10/2022

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  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia.Glory to God.The entrance of the revelation of the word of God (Rhema)to our spirit ,Jesus Christ becomes the food and drink,bread and wine to our spiritual man on earth and in heaven.Amen

  • @shobhanair1344
    @shobhanair13447 күн бұрын

    Praise the Lord

  • @sherlysanthosh709
    @sherlysanthosh709 Жыл бұрын

    Thank God

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen .Halleluia .Glory to God.The bread and wine does not commend us to God(1Corin 8:8)

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen .Halleluia .Glory to God .The entrance of the revelation of the word of God (Rhema)gives understanding to the simple(Psalm 119:130);gives understanding to those blessed ones who are pure in spirit and heart .Amen.

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia .Glory to God ."The entrance of Your words gives light"(Psalm 119:130);the entrance of Your words to our spirit and heart is being made possible by the revelation of the written word of God.(Rhema).Amen

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen .Halleluia .Glory to God .The entrance of the revelation of the word of God (Rhema)gives light;gives glory;(John 1:4-5,1John 1:2-5);gives food and drink,gives bread and wine to our hungry and thirsty spirit;to our spiritual man .Amen

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen .Halleluia.Glory to God .While eating from this blessed bread and drinking from this blessed cup(1Corin 11:26,10:16,17),we should admit and proclaim in spirit and truth to the utmost glory of the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit and to the whole world,to the all church-churches that it is not bread and wine,it is not the food and drink does not give us everlasting life ;it is the revelation of the word of God (Rhema)of the substitutional death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth finished once for all 2024-years ago does give us eternal life ,eternal grace,eternal glory,eternal love,eternal mercy,eternal prosperity ,eternal remission,redemption ,salvation,kingdom of God and His Glory .Amen

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia.Glory to God ."The entirety of Your word is truth,and every one of Your righteous judgements endures forever"(Psalm 119:160). Amen.

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia.Glory to God."The entrance of Your words gives light,it gives understanding to the simple"(Psalm 119:130)

  • @rosepaul7749
    @rosepaul774926 күн бұрын


  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    "For this reason the gospel was preached also to those who are dead ,that they might be judged according to men in the flesh ,but live according to God in the spirit"(1Peter 4:6).

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    "and when the the Chief Shepherd appears ,you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away"(1Peter 5:4).

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    "who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead ,and gave Him glory ;that your faith and hope might be in God"(1Peter 1:21)

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia.Glory to God ."Do this in remembrance of Me "(1Corin 11:24-25) :The blessed bread and blessed cup is used as a symbol which stands as minister and witness to proclaim symbolically of the substitutional death undertaken by Jesus Christ finished once for all 2024-years ago for remission,redemption,salvation,kingdom of God and His glory for you,for the whole world ,for those who believe in Jesus Christ ,and accept Him as Lord and Saviour ,and for those who are ready to be died with Him,buried with Him,and resurrected with Him through baptism by faith ,and for those who live in the revelation of Word of God .Amen. The eating of the bread and drinking of the wine does not commend us to God;it only brings to us the remembrance,photo,idol,statue,image,memory ,of the substitutional death of Jesus Christ.Amen. Some people uses this symbol for pray,praise worship;it is only idolatry in the light of the revelation of the word of God.Amen

  • @babydevassy5828
    @babydevassy582829 күн бұрын

    Amen.Halleluia.Glory to God.#Break the bread#This is My body..this is My bood of the new covenant"(Mathew 26:26-28).Amen. On the same night in which He was betrayed ,Jesus Christ took the bread ;took the cup in His hands ,praised God,blessed it and broke it and gave to His disciples and said ,"This is My body..this is My blood of the new covenant "..means symbolically that Jesus Christ took the bread..took the cup that He was become ready to undertake the sin and death of those who are as dead as bread and wine;who are as dead as dust and ashes;who are dead to God and are on the bondages of the world,law,body,sin,curse,disease,death,Hell,Hades,Darkness and Satan because of sin and trespasses ;through His substitutional death and through His substitutional death,and through sacrificing His body and blood on the cross for those who are in death and darkness ;He could unite them with His body ;He could unite them with His death;He could unite those who were in in Adam and were dead to God with His body and blood ,with His death.He could unite them with His death ;He could unite them with His burial ;He could unite them with His resurrection and they could be lived for God for now and forever and ever for God as My body..and My blood of the new covenant ;as My church;as those who are dead to the world and live for God;as the inheritors of the kingdom of God and His glory...Amen.Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!Amen. And this everlasting life giving truth is expressed symbolically in the Lord's Supper.Amen.
